Well, unfortunately, softball is over for me this year. We still have 3 weeks left, but I broke my ankle last night while breaking up a double-play at 2nd. They didn’t turn it, btw.
The SS got all pissy and was in my face when I was laying there. I came in a little high with my feet, but as far as I’m concerned, I own every part of 2nd base as the runner. He needs to get in the air or get to the side or he’s gonna get smacked, which he did. Unfortunately, my right foot jammed into the bag and broke my ankle. I did put a big ol’ strawberry on the SS’s thigh, so it all evens out.
Here are my final stats, or pretty close to what they were. I think I had more walks, but our manager doesn’t always keep the best book.
Batting Average: .767 (5 pts higher than last year)
RBI’s: 153
HR’s: 2
Doubles: 9
Triples: 1
Walks: 39
We also keep some less traditional stats that are important, but don’t usually show up in the box score.
GG: 14
These are Gold Gloves and signify a great (not good, great) play you made. I play catcher and got most of them for blocking the plate. It’s manager discretion and he’s pretty good about being fair. You can pretty much assume that I saved our team 14 runs with each GG.
FT+: 13
These are forced throws you made the fielder make by running aggressively that ended with something good happening like an overthrow or error.
SB: 29
We count stolen bases even though you can’t technically steal. These are extra bases you took due to hustle when the outfielder or whoever lolly-gags the ball in. The manager and guys on the bench immediately say SB when there’s one in question and there’s usually not a dispute. It feels pretty good to move up into scoring position late in the game while everyone is chanting SB-SB.
If people realized how many extra runs you can score in a game, more people would pay attention to base running. You have to pick your spots and can’t be stupid, but a lot of guys don’t have half the arms they think they do and you can abuse them.
Our team takes the year off until January when we’ll lift 3 days a week. I can’t wait until next year. I heard Miken is coming out with a new bat and I’ve already started saving
Mr. Thursday Night, you crack me up. Hopefully the clowns that visit this site will realize that an ath-a-lete like myself would have far more than 2 home runs in a year. Good try son, but these look more like your stats.